XX Very
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THE DEAD SEA SCROLLS (A VERY SHORT INTRODUCTION - XX) 2nd EditionSince their discovery in 1947, the Dead Sea Scrolls have become an icon in popular culture that transcends their status as ancient Jewish manuscripts. Everyone has heard of the Scrolls, but amidst the conspiracies, the politics, and the sensational claims3.276 Ft
INTERNATIONAL MIGRATION NEW (VERY SHORT INTRODUCTION XX)In recent years, global migration has transformed in terms of its numbers and reach, its political significance, and its impact. The rising rates of international migration have been matched by growing public and media interest around the world. Today, th3.294 Ft
CONTEMPORARY FICTION (A VERY SHORT INTRODUCTION - XX)Contemporary fiction is a wide and diverse field, now global in dimension, with an enormous range of novels and writers that continues to grow at a fantastic speed. In this Very Short Introduction, Robert Eaglestone provides a clear and engaging explorati3.294 Ft
EXPLORATION (VERY SHORT INTRODUCTION - XX)We live in an age of globalization on every conceivable level, but globalization has a deeper history than politicians and pundits often allow, and nothing is more significant to its history than exploration. Wherever trade or faith or empire followed, ex3.294 Ft
Modern Drama (Very Short Introduction -Xx)The story of modern drama is a tale of extremes, testing both audiences and actors to their limits through hostility and contrarianism. Spanning 1880 to the present, Kirsten E. Shepherd-Barr shows how truly international a phenomenon modern drama has beco3.330 Ft
CRIME FICTION (A VERY SHORT INTRODUCTION - XX)Crime fiction has been one of the most popular genres since the 19th century, but has roots in works as varied as Sophocles, Herodotus, and Shakespeare. In this Very Short Introduction Richard Bradford explores the history of the genre, by considering the3.393 Ft
DESIGN (VERY SHORT INTRODUCTION - XX)John Heskett wants to transform the way we think about design by showing how integral it is to our daily lives, from the spoon we use to eat our breakfast cereal, and the car we drive to work in, to the medical equipment used to save lives. Design combine3.600 Ft
Hollywood (Very Short Introduction - Xx)In this engaging and readable book, Peter Decherney tells the story of Hollywood, from its nineteenth-century origins to the emergence of internet media empires. He recounts how the studio system rose out of the ashes of Thomas Edison's trust to create th3.600 Ft
Branding (Very Short Introduction - Xx)Branding is possibly the most powerful commercial and cultural force on the planet. Iconic names such as Coca-Cola, Nike, Manchester United, Harry Potter, and Google are known and recognized by millions of people worldwide. As the market economy spreads a3.807 Ft
TRANSLATION (A VERY SHORT INTRODUCTION - XX)Translation is everywhere and matters to everybody. Translation doesn't only give us foreign news, dubbed films and instructions for using the microwave: without it, there would be no world religions, and our literatures, our cultures, and our languages w3.996 Ft
THE WELFARE STATE (VERY SHORT INTRODUCTION)(XX)Welfare states vary across nations and change over time. And the balance between markets and government; free enterprise and social protection is perennially in question. But all developed societies have welfare states of one kind or another - they are a4.113 Ft
MODERN ITALY (VERY SHORT INTRODUCTION - XX)The history of modern Italy is characterized by recurrent cultural and political projects of modernity, rejuvenation, and regeneration; projects which often had their roots in a widespread dissatisfaction with social and political reality, and perceived m4.176 Ft
THE BODY (VERY SHORT INTRODUCTION - XX)The human body is thought of conventionally as a biological entity, with its longevity, morbidity, size and even appearance determined by genetic factors immune to the influence of society or culture. Since the mid-1980s, however, there has been a rising4.176 Ft
DEPRESSION (A VERY SHORT INTRODUCTION - XX)What is depression? What is bipolar disorder? How are they diagnosed and how are they treated? Can a small child be diagnosed with depression and treated with antidepressants - and should they be? Covering depression, manic depression, and bipolar disorde4.176 Ft
SLANG (VERY SHORT INTRODUCTION - XX)Slang, however one judges it, shows us at our most human. It is used widely and often, typically associated with the writers of noir fiction, teenagers, and rappers, but also found in the works of Shakespeare and Dickens. It has been recorded since at lea4.176 Ft
The Gothic (A Very Short Introduction - Xx)The Gothic is wildly diverse. It can refer to ecclesiastical architecture, supernatural fiction, cult horror films, and a distinctive style of rock music. It has influenced political theorists and social reformers, as well as Victorian home décor and cont4.527 Ft
The Future (Very Short Introduction - Xx)ISBN: 9780198735281 Kiadó: Oxford University Press Szerző: Gidley, M.4.581 Ft
Mexx Mexx XX Very Nice Eau de Toilette, 20ml, nőiA XX Very Nice virágos-gyümölcsös illat új kiadása 2009-ben jelent meg. Az XX Very Nice egy fiatal hölgyet, kiegyensúlyozottságát és békéjét képviseli. Bemutatkozás XX Nagyon szép szeptember a citrusfélék, a fekete ribizli és a görögdinnye frissítő tónusaival, melyet gyöngyvirág és pünkösdi rózsa csokor puhít. Ezután a szantálfa, a cédrus és a pézsma ritka tónusait fúrják az alapba.6.825 Ft+1.000 Ft
Mexx Mexx XX Very Wild Eau de Toilette, 20ml, nőiA Very Nice & Very Wild a Mexx XX új, merész illata. Az illatpár pár legjobb barátot és lányos személyiségük két arcát képviseli. Fiatalok és vidámak, a Very Nice & Very Wild segítségével kifejezhetik hozzáállásukat és hangulatukat - nagyon imádnivaló vagy nagyon vad!7.100 Ft+1.000 Ft