Vga rca adapter
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DeLock Adapter DVI 29 male to VGA + 3x RCA femaleDescriptionThis DVI adapter by Delock with a cable lenght of approx. 20cm and gold-plated connectors, enables the connection of an additional VGA device as well as a device with Cinch connection. Specification• Connection: DVI29 male to VGA + 3x Cinc2.610 Ftlegutóbbi ismert ár+1.290 Ft
DeLock Adapter DVI 29 male to VGA + 3x RCA femaleDescriptionThis DVI adapter by Delock with a cable lenght of approx. 20cm and gold-plated connectors, enables the connection of an additional VGA device as well as a device with Cinch connection. Specification• Connection: DVI29 male to VGA + 3x Cinc2.610 Ftlegutóbbi ismert ár+1.290 Ft
av rca vga átalakitó adapter av2vgaTV - PC konverter VIDEO rca - VGA AV JELBÖL VGA JELET CSINÁL FORDITVA NEM MÜKÖDIK AV - VGA átalakító Jellemzők 1. Automatikusan felismeri és konvertálja a PC bemeneti képeket NTSC, PAL formátumúvá. 2. Támogassa a nagy felbontású PC bemenetet SXGA-6.000 Ft+1.490 Ft
StarTech High Resolution VGA to Composite (RCA) or S-Video Converter - PC to TV Video Adapter - 1600x1200 RGB to TV (VGA2VID) - video converter - black (VGA2VID)86.050 Ft+1.224 Ft