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Oxford University Press The Phantom of the OperaElképzelhető-e, hogy létezik az operaház fantomja? És ha igen, ha hús-vér ember, hogyan és miért kerül a régi Párizs titokzatos, föld alatti labirintusában? És mit akar ez a hús-vér árnyalak az operaháziaktól? Miféle borzongató viszony fűzi a szépség640 Ft+1.150 Ft
Oxford University Press The Phantom of the OperaIt is 1880, in the Opera House in Paris. Everybody is talking about the Phantom of the Opera, the ghost that lives somewhere under the Opera House. The Phantom is a man in black clothes. He is a body without a head, he is a head without a body. He has800 Ft+1.150 Ft
Oxford University Press Far ?from the Madding CrowdThe ?first of Thomas Hardy’s great novels, Far From the Madding Crowd established the author as one of Britain’s foremost writers. It also introduced readers to Wessex, an imaginary county in southwestern England that served as the pastoral setting f850 Ft+1.150 Ft
Chancellor Press The Oxford Handy Dictionary900 Ft
Oxford University Press The Dead of Jericho950 Ft+1.150 Ft
Oxford University Press A Day in the Country and Other StoriesThis selection of twenty-seven stories shows Maupassant at his comic, cruel, and brilliant best. In addition to the poignant title story, it includes one of the most famous tales ever written, The Necklace , and Le Horla, an account of a disintegratin950 Ft+1.150 Ft
Oxford University Press The Woman in WhiteThe woman in white first appears at night on a lonely heath near London and is next seen at a grave-side in Cumberland. Who is she? Where has she come from, and what is her history? She seems alone and friendless, frightened and confused. And it seems980 Ft+1.150 Ft
Oxford University Press The President's Murderer980 Ft+1.150 Ft
Oxford University Press The Bride PriceOxford Bookworms offer students at all levels the opportunity to extend their reading and appreciation of English. There are six stages, taking students from elementary to advanced level. At the lower stages, many of the texts have been specially writ980 Ft+1.150 Ft
Oxford University Press The Oxford Guide to Word Games990 Ft+1.150 Ft
Chancellor Press The Oxford Handy Dictionary - F.G. and H.W. Fowler990 Ft+990 Ft
Oxford University Press Mutiny on the Bounty (OBW 1) - Tim VicaryEgyszerűsített szövegű - rövidített kiadás nyelvtanulóknak.1.100 Ft+990 Ft
Oxford University Press The Hound of the Baskervilles (Oxford Bookworms Library 4) - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle1.100 Ft+990 Ft
Oxford Bookworms The Lottery Winner (OBW 1) - Rosemary Border1.190 Ft+990 Ft
Oxford University Press The Dead of Jericho (OBW 5) - Colin DexterEgyszerűsített szövegű - rövidített kiadás nyelvtanulóknak.1.190 Ft+990 Ft
Oxford Bookworms The Silver Sword (OBW 4) - Ian SerraillierEgyszerűsített szövegű - rövidített kiadás nyelvtanulóknak.1.190 Ft+990 Ft
Oxford University Press The FlyFlies are a nuisance. They are annoying when they buzz around you, but you can brush them away with your hand. After all, a fly is only about half the size of your fingernail. But suppose it wasn't. Catch a fly and look at it closely and#150; at its h1.200 Ft+1.150 Ft
Oxford University Press Jude the Obscure1.350 Ft+1.150 Ft
Oxford University Press The Turn of the Screw - Dominoes TwoA young woman arrives at a large country house. Her job is to look after the two children who live there, but she soon discovers that there is something very strange about both the house and the children. The longer she stays, the more she feels that1.400 Ft+1.150 Ft
Oxford University Press The Kreutzer Sonata and Other StoriesTo love him was not enough for me after the happiness I had felt in falling in love. I wanted movement and not a calm course of existence. I wanted excitement and danger and the chance to sacrifice myself for my love.' Leo Tolstoy, known to the world1.450 Ft+1.150 Ft