ROK windows
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DELL DELL Microsoft Windows Server 2022 Essential 1 CAL USER ROKDell EMC DELL ROK MICROSOFT WS 2022 1CAL USER.24.790 Ft+1.990 Ft
Dell Dell isg szoftver - sw rok windows server 2022 eng, standard edition 2 core add license. 634-bykqDELL ÉV MICROSOFT WS STD 2022 ADD LICENC 2 CORE KIT57.399 Ft
DELL ROK Microsoft Windows Server 2022 English 5 User CAL (634-BYKS)101.000 Ft+1.990 Ft
Dell Dell isg szoftver - sw rok windows server 2022 eng, 5 user cal. 634-byksGyártó:DELL,102.199 Ft
Dell Dell isg szoftver - sw rok windows server 2022 eng, 5 user cal. 634-BYKSMicrosoft Windows Server 2022, 5db User CAL, DELL ROK, English.107.790 Ft+1.890 Ft
DELL SRV DELL EMC szerver SW - ROK Windows Server 2022 ENG, 5 User CAL.Microsoft Windows Server 2022, 5db User CAL, DELL ROK, English.115.121 Ft+1.290 Ft
DELL SRV DELL EMC szerver SW - ROK Windows Server 2022 ENG, 5 User CAL. (634-BYKS)124.610 Ft+1.300 Ft
LENOVO Microsoft Windows Server 2022 Essentials (10 core) - Multilanguage ROK (7S050063WW)159.000 Ft+1.990 Ft
Lenovo Lenovo szerver os - microsoft windows server 2022 essentials (10 core) - multilanguage rok 7s050063wwGyártó:LENOVO,Felhasználói nyelvek:Multilanguage,Memóriacímzési mód:32 és 64 bit,Verziószám:2022,163.098 Ft
Lenovo Lenovo szerver os - microsoft windows server 2022 essentials (10 core, support or up to 25 users) - multilanguage rok 7S050063WWEssentials Edition: ideal for small businesses with up to 25 users and 50 Small companies with basic IT needs purchasing a first server; likely a small or no dedicated IT department. CAL (Client Access Licensing) is not required with this edition. Not...166.990 Ft+1.890 Ft
Dell Dell isg szoftver - sw rok windows server 2022 eng, essentials edition, 25 cal, 64bit os. 634-byliGyártó:DELL,169.699 Ft
DELL ROK Microsoft Windows Server 2022 Essentials Edition 64bit (634-BYLI)169.990 Ft+1.990 Ft
LENOVO LENOVO Microsoft Windows Server 2022 Essentials (10 core) - Multilanguage ROKLENOVO szerver OS - Microsoft Windows Server 2022 Essentials (10 core) - Multilanguage ROK.173.391 Ft+1.990 Ft
Dell Dell isg szoftver - sw rok windows server 2022 eng, essentials edition, 25 cal, 64bit os. 634-BYLIMicrosoft Windows Server 2022 Essentials Edition, 64 bit, DELL ROK, English.174.590 Ft+1.890 Ft
LENOVO SRV LENOVO szerver OS - Microsoft Windows Server 2022 Essentials (10 core) - Multilanguage ROKLENOVO szerver OS - Microsoft Windows Server 2022 Essentials (10 core) - Multilanguage ROKWindows Server 2022 is not and will not be certified for Mehlow servers = ThinkSystem ST50, ST250, SR250. The reason here is that “Intel does not want to support180.351 Ft+1.290 Ft
DELL DELL Microsoft Windows Server 2022 Essential 25 CAL - Angol ROKDELL EMC szerver SW - ROK Windows Server 2022 ENG, Essentials Edition, 25 CAL, 64bit OS.181.491 Ft+1.990 Ft
FUJITSU Windows Server 2022 Essential 10Core ROK (PY-WBB5RA)185.000 Ft+1.990 Ft
DELL SRV DELL EMC szerver SW - ROK Windows Server 2022 ENG, Essentials Edition, 25 CAL, 64bit OS.Microsoft Windows Server 2022 Essentials Edition, 64 bit, DELL ROK, English.186.417 Ft+1.290 Ft
FUJITSU FUJITSU Microsoft Windows Server 2022 Essentials (10 core) - Multilanguage ROKFujitsu szerver OS - Microsoft Windows Server 2022 Essentials (10 core) - Multilanguage ROK.194.490 Ft+1.990 Ft
DELL SRV DELL EMC szerver SW - ROK Windows Server 2022 ENG, Essentials Edition, 25 CAL, 64bit OS. (634-BYLI)201.545 Ft+1.300 Ft