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Találatok száma: 934 1/47. oldal Rendezés:
  • Oxford University Press The Phantom of the Opera
    Oxford University Press The Phantom of the Opera
    Elképzelhető-e, hogy létezik az operaház fantomja? És ha igen, ha hús-vér ember, hogyan és miért kerül a régi Párizs titokzatos, föld alatti labirintusában? És mit akar ez a hús-vér árnyalak az operaháziaktól? Miféle borzongató viszony fűzi a szépség
    640 Ft
    +1.150 Ft
  • Oxford University Press The Phantom of the Opera
    Oxford University Press The Phantom of the Opera
    It is 1880, in the Opera House in Paris. Everybody is talking about the Phantom of the Opera, the ghost that lives somewhere under the Opera House. The Phantom is a man in black clothes. He is a body without a head, he is a head without a body. He has
    800 Ft
    +1.150 Ft
  • Oxford University Press The Dead of Jericho
    Oxford University Press The Dead of Jericho
    950 Ft
    +1.150 Ft
  • Oxford University Press Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary of Current English - A. S. Hornby
    Oxford University Press Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary of Current English - A. S. Hornby
    990 Ft
    +990 Ft
    Ódon Antikvárium
    Ódon Antikvárium
  • Oxford University Press The Hound of the Baskervilles (Oxford Bookworms Library 4) - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
    Oxford University Press The Hound of the Baskervilles (Oxford Bookworms Library 4) - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
    1.100 Ft
    +990 Ft
    Ódon Antikvárium
    Ódon Antikvárium
  • Oxford University Press Tess of d'Urbervilles
    Oxford University Press Tess of d'Urbervilles
    A pretty young girl has to leave home to make money for her family. She is clever and a good worker; but she is uneducated and does not know the cruel ways of the world. So, when a rich young man says he loves her, she is careful - but not careful eno
    1.180 Ft
    +1.150 Ft
  • Oxford University Press A Handbook of Commercial Correspondence - A. Ashley
    Oxford University Press A Handbook of Commercial Correspondence - A. Ashley
    1.190 Ft
    +990 Ft
    Ódon Antikvárium
    Ódon Antikvárium
  • Oxford University Press The Dead of Jericho (OBW 5) - Colin Dexter
    Oxford University Press The Dead of Jericho (OBW 5) - Colin Dexter
    Egyszerűsített szövegű - rövidített kiadás nyelvtanulóknak.
    1.190 Ft
    +990 Ft
    Ódon Antikvárium
    Ódon Antikvárium
  • Oxford University Press Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary of Current English (Regulary updated) - A.S. Hornby, with A.P. Cowie, A.C. Gimson
    Oxford University Press Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary of Current English (Regulary updated) - A.S. Hornby, with A.P. Cowie, A.C. Gimson
    1.190 Ft
    +990 Ft
    Ódon Antikvárium
    Ódon Antikvárium
  • Oxford University Press Oxford Student's Dictionary of Current English (second edition) - A S Hornby - Christina Ruse
    Oxford University Press Oxford Student's Dictionary of Current English (second edition) - A S Hornby - Christina Ruse
    1.290 Ft
    +990 Ft
    Ódon Antikvárium
    Ódon Antikvárium
  • Oxford University Press The Turn of the Screw - Dominoes Two
    Oxford University Press The Turn of the Screw - Dominoes Two
    A young woman arrives at a large country house. Her job is to look after the two children who live there, but she soon discovers that there is something very strange about both the house and the children. The longer she stays, the more she feels that
    1.400 Ft
    +1.150 Ft
  •  LORNA DOONE-A ROMANCE OF EXMOOR (Oxford World's Classics) (2008)
    LORNA DOONE-A ROMANCE OF EXMOOR (Oxford World's Classics) (2008)
    * Beautifully illustrated with delightful sketches from early editions, Lorna Doone is an enthralling literary romance based on an intriguing group of characters in the late seventeenth century. Revenge, jealousy, love and death are among the book's many
    1.640 Ft
    Oxford Corner Könyvesbolt
    Oxford Corner Könyvesbolt
  •  Oxford Read and Imagine: Level 3: Get Us Out of Here! Activity Book – Paul Shipton
    Oxford Read and Imagine: Level 3: Get Us Out of Here! Activity Book – Paul Shipton
    Nyelv: Angol, Kötés: Puha kötésű, Oldalszám: 16, Kiadó: Oxford University Press, Autor: Paul Shipton, ISBN-13: 9780194736794, Kiadás éve: 2016
    1.657 Ft
  •  TESS OF THE D'URBERVILLES - Oxford Bookworms LIBRARY 6 3rd Edition
    TESS OF THE D'URBERVILLES - Oxford Bookworms LIBRARY 6 3rd Edition
    Classics, modern fiction, non-fiction and more. Written for secondary and adult students the Oxford Bookworms Library has seven reading levels from A1-C1 of the CEFR. A pretty young girl has to leave home to make money for her family. She is clever and a
    1.660 Ft
    Oxford Corner Könyvesbolt
    Oxford Corner Könyvesbolt
  • Oxford University Press Dictionary of Britain
    Oxford University Press Dictionary of Britain
    A szótár a brit élet szórakoztató, figyelemre, vagy csodálatra méltó aspektusait mutatja be. Több, mint 3000 szócikk fedi le Nagy-Britannia időszerű adatait, fekete-fehér fotókkal illusztrálva, olyan témakörökből, mint: események, sport, földrajz, em
    1.700 Ft
    +1.150 Ft
  • Oxford University Press Oxford Concise Dictionary of Politics
    Oxford University Press Oxford Concise Dictionary of Politics
    1.990 Ft
    Hernádi Antikvárium
    Hernádi Antikvárium
  • Oxford University Press Oxford Dictionary of Environment and Conservation
    Oxford University Press Oxford Dictionary of Environment and Conservation
    1.990 Ft
    Hernádi Antikvárium
    Hernádi Antikvárium
  • Harper Collins The Adventures of Tom Sawyer - OXFORD BOOKWORMS 1.
    Harper Collins The Adventures of Tom Sawyer - OXFORD BOOKWORMS 1.
    An idyllic snapshot of a boy's childhood along the banks of the Mississippi River, Twain's The Adventures of Tom Sawyer is the author's work that comes closest to his boyhood experiences of growing up in Hannibal in the 1840s. Mischievous and full of energy, Tom enjoys childish pranks and pastimes with his friends, Huck Finn, the town outcast and Joe Harper, his best friend. However, at the town graveyard, Huck and Tom witness a murder, carried out by local vagabond Injun Joe. They vow never to
    2.065 Ft
  •  THE HOUSE OF THE SEVEN GABLES (Oxford World's Classics)
    THE HOUSE OF THE SEVEN GABLES (Oxford World's Classics)
    In the final years of the seventeenth century in a small New England town, the venerable Colonel Pyncheon decides to erect a ponderously oak-framed and spacious family mansion. It occupies the spot where Matthew Maule, `an obscure man', had lived in a log
    2.180 Ft
    Oxford Corner Könyvesbolt
    Oxford Corner Könyvesbolt
    This is the first English translation for forty years of a medieval classic, offering vivid and unique insight into the life of a great monastery in late twelfth-century England. The translation brilliantly communicates the interest and immediacy of Jocel
    2.180 Ft
    Oxford Corner Könyvesbolt
    Oxford Corner Könyvesbolt