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Oxford University Press Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary of Current English - A. S. Hornby990 Ft+990 Ft
Oxford University Press Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary of Current English (Regulary updated) - A.S. Hornby, with A.P. Cowie, A.C. Gimson1.190 Ft+990 Ft
Oxford University Press Oxford Student's Dictionary of Current English (second edition) - A S Hornby - Christina Ruse1.290 Ft+990 Ft
Oxford University Press Dictionary of BritainA szótár a brit élet szórakoztató, figyelemre, vagy csodálatra méltó aspektusait mutatja be. Több, mint 3000 szócikk fedi le Nagy-Britannia időszerű adatait, fekete-fehér fotókkal illusztrálva, olyan témakörökből, mint: események, sport, földrajz, em1.700 Ft+1.150 Ft
Oxford University Press Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary of Current English1.990 Ft
Oxford University Press Oxford Business English Dictionary for leaners of English (szépséghibás)2.275 Ft+1.150 Ft
The Oxford Dictionary of Modern QuotationsISBN:9780198607342 Kiadó: Oxford University Press Szerző: Elizabeth Knowles2.400 Ft
Oxford Dictionary of Current EnglishNyelv: Angol, Kötés: Puha kötésű, Oldalszám: 1104, Kiadó: Andrews McMeel Publishing, ISBN-13: 9780198614371, Kiadás éve: 20062.571 Ft
Canadian Oxford Dictionary of Current English – Katherine Barber,Katherine Barber,Robert PontissoNyelv: Angol, Kötés: Puha kötésű, Oldalszám: 1104, Kiadó: Oxford University Press, Canada, Autor: Katherine Barber,Katherine Barber,Robert Pontisso, ISBN-13: 9780195422832, Kiadás éve: 20053.862 Ft
Oxford A Dictionary of Latin Words and Phrases (Latin - Angol szótár)Handy reference guide for all kinds of user. Includes proverbs, A - Z of Latin authors, mottoes of famous people and places and thematic index. ISBN:9780198601098 Kiadó: Oxford University Press Szerző: James Morwood3.930 Ft
Oxford University Press The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Literary Terms - Chris BaldickContaining over 1,000 of the most troublesome literary terms encountered by students and general readers, this gem of a book gives clear and often witty explanations to terms such as hypertext, multi-accentuality, and postmodernism. It also offers pronunc4.490 Ft+990 Ft
Oxford University Press The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Literary Terms - Chris BaldickContaining over 1,000 of the most troublesome literary terms encountered by students and general readers, this gem of a book gives clear and often witty explanations to terms such as hypertext, multi-accentuality, and postmodernism. It also offers pronunc4.490 Ft+990 Ft
The Oxford Dictionary of PhilosophyThis bestselling dictionary is written by one of the leading philosophers of our time, and it is widely recognized as the best dictionary of its kind. Comprehensive and authoritative, it covers every aspect of philosophy from Aristotle to Zen. With clea5.060 Ft
Concise Oxford Dictionary Of Art Terms Second EditionISBN: 9780199569922 Kiadó: Oxford University Press Szerző: Clarke, M.5.140 Ft
Oxford Dictionary of Musical TermsPrinted music and writing about music involve the use of complex systems of notation and a wealth of technical terms in several languages. The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Musical Terms provides clear, succinct, definitions of a comprehensive range of th5.140 Ft
Oxford Dictionary Of ShakespeareThis concise, illustrated dictionary of Shakespeariana, compiled by one of the best-known authorities on his works, contains alphabetically arranged entries guiding the reader to a wealth of information on all aspects of Shakespeare in his own time and on5.180 Ft
THE OXFORD DICTIONARY OF AMERICAN ART AND ARTISTS (OPR)Hailed by Choice as concise, clear, and very informative, The Oxford Dictionary of American Art and Artists - the first such dictionary to appear in three decades - offers an informative, insightful, and long overdue resource on our nation's artistic heri5.280 Ft
Oxford Children’s Picture Dictionary for Learners of EnglishNyelv: Angol, Kötés: Puha kötésű, Kiadó: OXFORD, ISBN-13: 9780194433105, Kiadás éve: 20175.331 Ft
Oxford Dictionary Of Word Origins (Oxford Quick Reference) Third EdISBN: 9780198868750 Kiadó: Oxford University Press5.360 Ft
The Oxford Dictionary of Synonyms and AntonymsAuthoritative, accessible, and completely up to date, The Oxford Dictionary of Synonyms and Antonyms is an invaluable guide for anyone wanting to build their vocabulary and improve their writing skills. Over 140,000 alternative and opposite words are giv5.410 Ft