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Oxford University Press New Yorkers - Short Stories - Stage 2 (700 headwords)Egyszerűsített olvasmány angol nyelven. Hasznos segítség a nyelvtanulásban. A kötet 2. nehézségi fokozatú, az olvasásához kb. 700 szavas szókincs szükséges.2.379 Ft+1.045 Ft
Oxford University Press New Yorkers - Short Stories CD melléklettel2.750 Ft+1.150 Ft
Oxford Bookworms Library: Level 2:: New Yorkers - Short Stories – O. HenryNyelv: Angol, Kötés: Puha kötésű, Oldalszám: 64, Kiadó: Oxford University Press, Autor: O. Henry, ISBN-13: 9780194790673, Kiadás éve: 20072.926 Ft
New Testament: A Very Short Introduction – Luke Timothy JohnsonNyelv: Angol, Kötés: Puha kötésű, Oldalszám: 160, Kiadó: Oxford University Press Inc, Autor: Luke Timothy Johnson, ISBN-13: 9780199735709, Kiadás éve: 20103.055 Ft
New Yorkers - Short Stories Level 2A housewife, a tramp, a lawyer, a waitress, an actress - ordinary people living ordinary lives in New York at the beginning of this century. The city has changed greatly since that time, but its people are much the same. Some are rich, some are poor, some3.110 Ft
Oxford University Press New Yorkers - Short Stories - Obw 2A housewife, a tramp, a lawyer, a waitress, an actress - ordinary people living ordinary lives in New York at the beginning of this century. The city has changed greatly since that time, but its people are much the same. Some are rich, some are poor, some are happy, some are sad, some have found love, some are looking for love. 0. Henry's famous short stories - sensitive, funny, sympathetic - give us vivid pictures of the everyday lives of these New Yorkers.3.150 Ft
Oxford University Press New Yorkers - Short Stories3.150 Ft+1.150 Ft
INTERNATIONAL MIGRATION NEW (VERY SHORT INTRODUCTION XX)In recent years, global migration has transformed in terms of its numbers and reach, its political significance, and its impact. The rising rates of international migration have been matched by growing public and media interest around the world. Today, th3.660 Ft
THE GREAT DEPRESSION AND NEW DEAL (Very Short Introduction)The New Deal shaped our nation's politics for decades, and was seen by many as tantamount to the American Way itself. Now, in this superb compact history, Eric Rauchway offers an informed account of the New Deal and the Great Depression, illuminating its3.660 Ft
New Yorkers with Audio Download - Short Stories Level 2Oxford University Press Library 2. New Yorkers - Short Stories MP3 es del autor Henry, O. y trata de Ideal for elementary or pre-intermediate learners of English looking to improve and practise their English. The book is filled with useful vocabulary t3.780 Ft
Her Gift to Him: An Lgbt, First Time, Feminization, New Adult, Transgender, Short-Read Romance – Thomas Newgen,Barbara DelotoNyelv: Angol, Kötés: Puha kötésű, Oldalszám: 58, Kiadó: Independently Published, Autor: Thomas Newgen,Barbara Deloto, ISBN-13: 9781793128478, Kiadás éve: 20193.792 Ft
Oxford Bookworms Library: Level 2:: New Yorkers - Short Stories audio pack – O. HenryNyelv: Angol, Kötés: Puha kötésű, Kiadó: Oxford University Press, Autor: O. Henry, ISBN-13: 9780194620710, Kiadás éve: 20163.921 Ft
Marine Biology: A Very Short Introduction – Mladenov,Philip (Retired Professor of Marine Science,University of Otago,New Zealand)Nyelv: Angol, Kötés: Puha kötésű, Oldalszám: 224, Kiadó: Oxford University Press, Autor: Mladenov,Philip (Retired Professor of Marine Science,University of Otago,New Zealand), ISBN-13: 9780198841715, Kiadás éve: 20204.274 Ft
The New Penguin Book of American Short Stories, from Washington Irving to Lydia Davis – Kasia BoddyNyelv: Angol, Kötés: Puha kötésű, Oldalszám: 320, Kiadó: Penguin Books, Autor: Kasia Boddy, ISBN-13: 9780141194424, Kiadás éve: 20114.414 Ft
Spanish Short Stories For Beginners: 10 Easy To Read Short Stories To Help You Learn New Words In Spanish – Charles MendelNyelv: Angol, Kötés: Puha kötésű, Oldalszám: 72, Kiadó: Createspace Independent Publishing Platform, Autor: Charles Mendel, ISBN-13: 9781978377677, Kiadás éve: 20174.578 Ft
Great Depression and New Deal: A Very Short Introduction – Eric RauchwayNyelv: Angol, Kötés: Puha kötésű, Oldalszám: 160, Kiadó: Oxford University Press Inc, Autor: Eric Rauchway, ISBN-13: 9780195326345, Kiadás éve: 20084.672 Ft
THE NEW COLLECTED SHORT STORIES B – Archer JeffreyNyelv: Angol, Kötés: Puha kötésű, Kiadó: Pan Macmillan, Autor: Archer Jeffrey, ISBN-13: 9781447211068, Kiadás éve: 20114.687 Ft
Canada: A Very Short Introduction – Wright,Donald (Professor of Political Science,University of New Brunswick)Nyelv: Angol, Kötés: Puha kötésű, Oldalszám: 160, Kiadó: Oxford University Press, Autor: Wright,Donald (Professor of Political Science,University of New Brunswick), ISBN-13: 9780198755241, Kiadás éve: 20204.687 Ft
That's So New York: Short (and Very Short) Stories about the Greatest City on EarthNyelv: Angol, Kötés: Puha kötésű, Oldalszám: 160, Kiadó: Chronicle Books, ISBN-13: 9781797224121, Kiadás éve: 20245.294 Ft
A Short View of the History of the New England Colonies: With Respect to Their Charters and Constitution. – Israel MauduitNyelv: Angol, Kötés: Puha kötésű, Oldalszám: 96, Kiadó: GALE SABIN AMERICANA, Autor: Israel Mauduit, ISBN-13: 9781275710344, Kiadás éve: 20125.359 Ft