Market leader book cd
Találatok száma: 10 | 1/1. oldal | Rendezés: |
Market Leader Advanced Practice File Book and CD Pack New Edition – Margaret O´KeeffeNyelv: Angol, Kötés: Puha kötésű, Oldalszám: 96, Kiadó: PEARSON Education Limited, Autor: Margaret O´Keeffe, ISBN-13: 9780582895621, Kiadás éve: 20065.461 Ft
Market Leader (New) Upper-Intermediate Teacher's book DVD CD-ROMThe Test Master CD-ROM accompanying the Teacher's Book provides an invaluable testing resource to use with the course. The Market Leader DVDs provide students with authentic and engaging examples of business English in use. ISBN: 9781405813457 Kiadó:11.490 Ft
Market Leader Practice File Pack (Book and Audio CD) – John RogersNyelv: Angol, Kötés: Puha kötésű, Oldalszám: 112, Kiadó: PEARSON Education Limited, Autor: John Rogers, ISBN-13: 9780582838208, Kiadás éve: 200511.955 Ft
Market Leader (Third Edition) Advanced Teacher's Book Test Master CD-ROMThe 3rd edition of this ever popular course combines some fantastic new materials with all the features that have made this course a bestseller. Market Leader Active Teach contains everything a teacher will need for the course in the classroom. It can b17.150 Ft
Market Leader (Third Edition) Elementary Teacher's Book Test Master CD-ROMMarket Leader 3rd Edition has been completely updated to reflect the fast-changing world of business using authoritative and authentic business sources such as Financial Times. ISBN: 9781408279212 Kiadó: Pearson Longman ELT17.150 Ft
Market Leader (Third Edition) Upper-Intermediate Teacher's Book Test Master CD-RThe 3rd Edition Coursebook includes new reading texts from the Financial Times and new case studies with opinions on DVD from consultants. The DVD-ROM also includes authentic video materials from FT. com, with printable worksheets and interviews with bus17.150 Ft
Market Leader 3rd Edition Intermediate Teacher's Resource Book/Test Master CD-Rom Pack – Bill MascullNyelv: Angol, Kötés: Puha kötésű, Oldalszám: 216, Kiadó: PEARSON Education Limited, Autor: Bill Mascull, ISBN-13: 9781408249499, Kiadás éve: 201018.281 Ft
Market Leader 3rd Edition Upper Intermediate Teacher's Resource Book and Test Master CD-ROM Pack – Bill MascullNyelv: Angol, Kötés: Puha kötésű, Oldalszám: 216, Kiadó: PEARSON Education Limited, Autor: Bill Mascull, ISBN-13: 9781408268032, Kiadás éve: 201118.281 Ft
Market Leader 3rd Edition Pre-Intermediate Teacher's Resource Book/Test Master CD-ROM Pack – David CottonNyelv: Angol, Kötés: Puha kötésű, Oldalszám: 215, Kiadó: PEARSON Education Limited, Autor: David Cotton, ISBN-13: 9781408279229, Kiadás éve: 201218.281 Ft
Market Leader 3rd Edition Elementary Teacher's Resource Book/Test Master CD-ROM Pack – David CottonNyelv: Angol, Kötés: Kemény kötésű, Oldalszám: 200, Kiadó: PEARSON Education Limited, Autor: David Cotton, ISBN-13: 9781408279212, Kiadás éve: 201218.772 Ft