Holmes the
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Content 2 Connect The Adventures of Sherlock HolmesThe Adventures of Sherlock Holmes is a collection of twelve stories by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, featuring his famous detective and illustrated by Sidney Paget. These are the first of the Sherlock Holmes short stories, originally published as single stories299 Ft
Booklassic The Return of Sherlock HolmesThe Return of Sherlock Holmes is a collection of 13 Sherlock Holmes stories, originally published in 1903-1904, by Arthur Conan Doyle.The book was first published on March 7, 1905 by Georges Newnes, Ltd and in a Colonial edition by Longmans. 30,000 copies312 Ft
Booklassic The Casebook of Sherlock HolmesThe last twelve stories written about Holmes and Watson, these tales reflect the disillusioned world of the 1920s in which they were written. Some of the sharpest turns of wit in English literature are contrasted by dark images of psychological tragedy, s312 Ft
Booklassic The Adventures of Sherlock HolmesThe Adventures of Sherlock Holmes is a collection of twelve stories by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, featuring his famous detective and illustrated by Sidney Paget.These are the first of the Sherlock Holmes short stories, originally published as single stories312 Ft
Booklassic The Memoirs of Sherlock HolmesThe Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes is a collection of Sherlock Holmes stories, originally published in 1894, by Arthur Conan Doyle.312 Ft
Szukits Könyvkiadó Sherlock Holmes emlékiratai-The memoirs of Sherlock HolmesKétnyelvű (angol-magyar) kiadás.990 Ft
Greenlight Könyvek The Adventures of Sherlock HolmesThe Adventures of Sherlock Holmes is a collection of twelve short stories by Arthur Conan Doyle, featuring his fictional detective Sherlock Holmes. It was first published on 14 October 1892; the individual stories had been serialised in The Strand Magazin999 Ft
Zojoi Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective: The Case of the Mystified Murderess (PC - Steam elektronikus játék licensz)1.195 FtIngyenes szállítás
Zojoi Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective: The Case of the Mystified MurderessA JÁTÉKRÓL Egy váratlan vendég félbeszakította reggeli rutinomat, szenvedélyes hangnemben beszélt egy érdekes gyilkosságról. Egy igénytelen nőt vádoltak meg egy gazember, egy vagyont elherdáló gazember halálával. Igaz, a holttesten találták, pisztol1.282 Ft
Harper Collins The Hound of the Baskervilles: A Sherlock Holmes AdventureHarperCollins is proud to present its new range of best-loved, essential classics. ‘They all agreed that it was a huge creature, luminous, ghastly and spectral.’ Originally serialised in The Strand Magazine, Conan Doyle’s The Hound of the Baskervilles fol1.301 Ft+1.190 Ft
Dizbizbooks The Return of Sherlock HolmesThe Return of Sherlock Holmes is a 1905 collection of 13 Sherlock Holmes stories, originally published in 1903-1904, by Arthur Conan Doyle. The stories were published in the Strand Magazine in Great Britain, and Collier\'s in the United States.1.477 Ft
Frogwares Sherlock Holmes versus Jack the Ripper (PC - Steam elektronikus játék licensz)1.615 FtIngyenes szállítás
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes – Sir Arthur Conan DoyleNyelv: Angol, Kötés: Puha kötésű, Oldalszám: 240, Kiadó: Slovart, Autor: Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, ISBN-13: 9781784871574, Kiadás éve: 20161.616 Ft
The Casebook Of Sherlock HolmesISBN: 9780007420247 Kiadó: Harper Collins Classics Szerző: Doyle, Arthur Conan1.700 Ft
The Return Of Sherlock HolmesISBN: 9780007934423 Kiadó: Harper Collins Classics Szerző: Doyle, Arthur Conan1.700 Ft
The Adventures Of Sherlock HolmesISBN: 9780007350834 Kiadó: Harper Collins Classics Szerző: Doyle, Arthur Conan1.700 Ft
Napraforgó Klasszikusok magyarul-angolul: Sherlock Holmes kalandjai / The Adventures of Sherlock HolmesKi ne ismerné Sherlock Holmest? Ebben a kötetben a híres detektív izgalmas nyomozásaiból olvashatunk el négy izgalmas történetet a megszokott izgalommal felturbózva!A Klasszikusok magyarul- angolul sorozat könyvei egyenként is alkalmasak egy szuper ol1.790 Ft+1.150 Ft
Frogwares Sherlock Holmes: The Mystery of the Persian CarpetA JÁTÉKRÓL Vackold be magad a londoni Baker Street 211b szám alatti lakásodba. 1896-ot írunk, a Scotland Yard sürgős segítségért fordult Sherlock Holmeshoz. Egy fiatal festőt meggyilkoltak, és testét becsavarták egy figyelemre méltó perzsaszőnyegbe.1.902 Ft
The Adventures & Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes – Sir Arthur Conan DoyleNyelv: Angol, Kötés: Puha kötésű, Oldalszám: 528, Kiadó: Wordsworth Editions, Autor: Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, ISBN-13: 9781853260339, Kiadás éve: 19922.007 Ft
Harper Collins The Return of Sherlock HolmesI have given you a serious shock by my unnecessarily dramatic reappearance. Originally published in 1903-1904, The Return of Sherlock Holmes is the thirteen-story collection of one of the greatest-ever fictional detectives. Three years after the supposed death of Sherlock Holmes and his archenemy Professor Moriarty in the torrent of Reichenbach Falls, Holmes makes a disguised surprise reappearance to Baker Street and his good friend Dr Watson, after his hotly debated 'Great Hiatus'. Featuring o2.065 Ft