Elementary SB
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Oxford University Press Hotline Elementary: Student's Book SB + Workbook WB (2 kötet) - Tom Hutchinson1.690 Ft+1.100 Ft
Language To Go Elementary Sb With PhrasebookLanguage to go is the perfect solution for short, intensive courses and can easily be extended into a longer course, The Students' Book comes with handy phrasebook covering essential words and expressions for everyday communication. ISBN: 978058240396312.250 Ft
New Destinations Elementary SB – H.Q. Mitchell,Marileni MalkogianniNyelv: Angol, Kötés: Puha kötésű, Kiadó: MM Publications, Autor: H.Q. Mitchell,Marileni Malkogianni, ISBN-13: 9789605099633, Kiadás éve: 201412.845 Ft
Cutting Edge /New/ Elementary Sb/CD-ROMWith a task-based learning approach, the main objective is for students to use the language that they know in order to achieve a particular communication goal. Generally focussed on speaking, tasks are opportunities for in-class communication which encou15.000 Ft
Cutting Edge Elementary Sb-Dvd Pack Third EditionNew World culture lessons encourage the exploration of contemporary topics and develop online research skills. Language live lessons provide light-hearted contexts for practising functional language and writing. The Pre-Intermediate level takes students15.750 Ft