Elementary SB

Találatok száma: 5 1/1. oldal Rendezés:
  • Oxford University Press Hotline Elementary: Student's Book SB + Workbook WB (2 kötet) - Tom Hutchinson
    Oxford University Press Hotline Elementary: Student's Book SB + Workbook WB (2 kötet) - Tom Hutchinson
    1.690 Ft
    +1.100 Ft
    Ódon Antikvárium
    Ódon Antikvárium
  •  Language To Go Elementary Sb With Phrasebook
    Language To Go Elementary Sb With Phrasebook
    Language to go is the perfect solution for short, intensive courses and can easily be extended into a longer course, The Students' Book comes with handy phrasebook covering essential words and expressions for everyday communication. ISBN: 9780582403963
    12.250 Ft
    Oxford Corner Könyvesbolt
    Oxford Corner Könyvesbolt
  •  New Destinations Elementary SB – H.Q. Mitchell,Marileni Malkogianni
    New Destinations Elementary SB – H.Q. Mitchell,Marileni Malkogianni
    Nyelv: Angol, Kötés: Puha kötésű, Kiadó: MM Publications, Autor: H.Q. Mitchell,Marileni Malkogianni, ISBN-13: 9789605099633, Kiadás éve: 2014
    12.845 Ft
  •  Cutting Edge /New/ Elementary Sb/CD-ROM
    Cutting Edge /New/ Elementary Sb/CD-ROM
    With a task-based learning approach, the main objective is for students to use the language that they know in order to achieve a particular communication goal. Generally focussed on speaking, tasks are opportunities for in-class communication which encou
    15.000 Ft
    Oxford Corner Könyvesbolt
    Oxford Corner Könyvesbolt
  •  Cutting Edge Elementary Sb-Dvd Pack Third Edition
    Cutting Edge Elementary Sb-Dvd Pack Third Edition
    New World culture lessons encourage the exploration of contemporary topics and develop online research skills. Language live lessons provide light-hearted contexts for practising functional language and writing. The Pre-Intermediate level takes students
    15.750 Ft
    Oxford Corner Könyvesbolt
    Oxford Corner Könyvesbolt